Release notes ============= 0.2 --- Update introduces support for Django 1.8+ and some documentation improvements. New features: * `DJPYD-7: Update application for use in Django 1.8, 1.9, and Django 1.10 `_ Minimum requirement for Django is now 1.8.x. Fixes are compatible with Django 1.9.x and 1.10.x as well. Enhancements: * `DJPYD-8: Update Pydenticon requirement to version 0.3 `_ Introduced explicit dependency on Pydenticon 0.3, which also introduces ability to handle transparency in PNGs. 0.1 --- Initial release of Django Pydenticon. Implemented features: * Serving of identicons through designated URL. * User data for generating identicons passed via URL. * Sane configuration defaults for identicon generator for zero-configuration. * Ability to set parameters of generated identicons. * Ability to override some of the identicon generation attributes per-request via *GET* parameters. * Full documentation covering installation, usage, privacy. API reference included as well.